9:10 AM

The stepping stone to professional school..

I blogged earlier about the different programs the College of ACES offers, but additionally ACES could also be your stepping stone to professional fields you may not have suspected.  Professional fields include: Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, and many more. Within the College of ACES most students major in Business, Animal Sciences, Engineering, etc., and each of these programs can lead to higher education.  There are many alumni who have completed an undergraduate degree within the College of ACES which has led to a professional field.

Jasmine Abdullh, senior in Food Science and Human Nutrition (FSHN), plans to continue her education to obtain a Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD). Jasmine came into the University as a biology major before switching her major to nutrition her sophomore year. She took a FSHN course as a general education requirement and discovered her passion for nutrition.  Jasmine then resear4ched dentistry and found that nutritionists are in high demand to dental offices because they are able to provide information about diets and foods to individuals.  Jasmine is only one of the many students who plan to pursue a professional degree after graduating from the College of ACES.

As you research the University of Illinois for a particular area of interest, don't forget the endless possibilities within the College of ACES.  For more information on professional degrees and graduate studies at the University of Illinois visit the Graduate School site.


Anonymous said...

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